Steve and Dee’s Ride – May 2013


Steve and Dee’s ride for May will be May 19, 2013.  We’ll be doing a short pre-ride through the country before getting to the Blessing of the Bikes in Dayton between 10 and 11.  This should give us plenty of time to enjoy the food and music before the actual blessing at 1pm.  It’s a good time, even if you’re not particularly “faithful” :).   The ride will be starting from Cracker Barrel in Middletown on State Route 122.   Kickstands up about 9 am.  Dee and I will be getting there about 8am for some breakfast if anyone would like to join us.

The end of the ride is the Blessing so riders may feel free to depart the event at their leisure.  Hope to see you there!

If you’re interested, check out the report and pictures from the 2012 Blessing of the Bikes

Here’s this year’s flier for the event:

Ride to Rabbit Hash – Report


If you missed the ride to Rabbit Hash, you missed a good time!   Several riders met Rod at the starting point in Germantown and several more joined in near Ross.  Later, John and his wife from 088 met up with us in Rabbit Hash proper.  By the time it was done we had riders from three chapters!  We visited Rabbit Hash and Jane’s Saddlebag before crossing the river at Markland dam and making our way back through Rising Sun, Aurora and Lawrenceburg.  Last stop was Flubs for some ice cream in Hamilton.

While we were in Rabbit Hash, a couple of us looked for and found a geocache called “Lost Keys in Rabbit Hash”.  Here’s Steve’s log of the find.

Check out the pictures:

Rabbit Hash Ride – April 14, 2013


State Officer Rod Armstrong will be leading a ride for 044 and any other interested chapters to Rabbit Hash, KY.   The ride will be starting at the Shell station on SR725 west of Germantown and next to Captain 9’s.  Kickstands up 10am.  RSVPs appreciated so we’ll know who to expect.

If you’ve never been to Rabbit Hash, check out pictures from the last time we were there.

Here’s a map to Captain 9’s and Shell if needed.   And.. if you’re so inclined, a map of Rabbit Hash.

Lastly, if you’re a geek like me, you can download the ICS file to import into your calendar


Ride to Waldo – April 6, 2013


If you missed it, you missed a great ride.   Riders from 044 met up with riders from 179 in Mechanicsburg and finished the ride together into Waldo Ohio for some fried bologna sandwiches at the awesome G&R Tavern.  We totaled 7 bikes and 9 riders.   There’s some images from the ride below.  You can also find some on 179’s Facebook page.

Short Notice Ride – Waldo OH, Fried Bologna!

Good Evening Cruisers,

The weather is supposed to be awesome on Saturday and Dee and I are in the mood for some fried bologna sandwiches from G&R Tavern up in Waldo.  As such, weather permitting (because we all know it can change) I’m going to be riding up there on Saturday and leading a ride if anyone wants to go along.

I plan to leave from “somewhere” about 10AM, enjoy a leisurely ride up there and have lunch.  Ride back will be leisurely too, but maybe a bit more direct depending on how long we spend at G&R.

I will be leaving from home in Hamilton, but we can set up a “start” point based on who else wants to go along, so if you’re interested in going, please let me know and we’ll plan a convenient meeting point to start.

If bologna isn’t your thing, the menu is here:—Sandwiches.html   The various pies for dessert are to die for.


Update: 20130405-1800

Not much response on this ride so far.   At this point, the plan is that I’m rolling out from Hamilton about 9:30.    I’ll be cruising through Red Lion, Waynesville, Xenia and Mechanicsburg.   We’ll be meeting up with at least one from 179 in Mechanicsburg before heading on to Waldo for those fried bologna sandwiches.    Everyone is welcome to join.  If you want to go along, let me know where you want to join up with us.

Vietnam Veterans Commemoration Escort Ride


Coming up this Sunday March 24, 2013, members of the Patriot Guard and other motorcyclists will be escorting the Vietnam Traveling Wall from Harrison to Columbus in conjunction with the Vietnam Veterans Commemoration being held in Columbus.   This is a major event which includes among others, the Governor of Ohio and the Director of Ohio Veterans Services.  The State Highway Patrol will be escorting the ride all the way to Columbus.

Staging is at the ODOT Weight Station on I-74 Eastbound near Harrison at 1000.  Kickstands up at 1100.   There will be a fuel stop at I-71 and US35 in Jeffersonville.  Kickstands up from there at 1300.

I know that members from Greenville’s Chapter 179 will be riding along.  I will also be making this ride.    If any of you are interested in joining us, you are welcome to meet us at the Harrison staging area, or, if you prefer, let me know and we’ll coordinate a meetup between us and 179.   I’m told they’ll be coming down US127 and taking SR128 out towards Whitewater to make the staging area, so we can join up with them somewhere along that route.

Here is a link to the PGR Forum post.


Ride Planning Meeting – March 2, 2013

Cruisers, we haven’t gotten much response on the meeting plan, but we’re going to try it again. Join us Saturday March 2, 2013 at 10:30 AM at the Frisch’s. State Route 73, just west of I-75. Meet your fellow members and more importantly, help plan the rides for this season! Breakfast bar will be available too if you’re hungry!

2013 Ride Scheduling Meeting?

Hey Cruisers,

We’re considering a meeting in the next couple of weeks to work on planning the riding schedule for the upcoming season, but it’s not worth planning if we aren’t going to get some turnout to help plan.  Please take a moment to drop me an email at and let me know if you’d be up for attending such a meeting and generally what is a good day of the week to schedule one.   Thanks!



2012 Schedule

Good Morning Cruisers,

For those that missed the Blessing of the Bikes, you missed a good time.   Hopefully we’ll see you on the next ride.

As for the next ride, after the challenges of last year, I’ve decided I’m doing something different with the schedule.   Rather than add a bunch of rides that I may or may not be able to lead or may or may not be able to find Ride Captains for, I’m only adding rides to the schedule that have a confirmed Ride Captain whether that’s me or someone else.   I don’t want to have a bunch of great rides listed that just have to be cancelled because I can’t lead them all and don’t have someone else to help.   I do have 179’s schedule, and I’ll be adding those for anyone that may want to join them for rides.

Other than that, I’ll be adding rides as I have time to plan them and lead them and I’m looking for Ride Captains to help with others.  I’d appreciate it if everyone would at least consider leading a ride.   If all the members on this list lead one ride, we wouldn’t have time to get them all in.   Planning and leading a ride isn’t a difficult process and I’m happy to coach anyone through it that feels like they may be interested in helping but needs a nudge in the right direction.    As a Ride Captain, you get to call the shots on the time, route and destination or area.   If you want to help but don’t have areas or destinations in mind, I have plenty of suggestions.

If you’re willing to help by leading one or more rides (either with or without help) please let me know.


2012 Blessing of the Bikes

Four riders on three bikes met at the Frisch’s on SR122 in Middletown this past Sunday for a quick breakfast before heading off on a 50 mile pre-ride prior to the 2012 Blessing of the Bikes at UD Arena.  One of the riders reports: “I’m beat and burnt, but a great ride and big fun”.    If you missed it, you missed a good time.   The pre-ride took riders through a diverse combination of long straight “on the throttle” country roads interspersed with some tight twists and turns.   Along the way we passed numerous beautiful scenic spots, at least one covered bridge and several historic locations, not to mention a quick break to stretch our legs at a scenic and unusual iron bridge.  Check out the pictures: