Google Group – SCRC Miami Valley


The Miami Valley Chapter of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club uses Google Groups (among other methods) to distribute ride information and other information about the club and our chapter.  This list is open to anyone interested in our rides and club details.  You may join the group and otherwise manage your membership information at the group page

If you are logged into Google, the group page will also be visible below:

West Virginia Rally – June 7-10, 2018

Received April 20, 2018

West Virginia State Rally 2018 June 7th - 10th in Summersville, WV
register before May 1st to guarantee T-shirt
use this link for registration page:

Sleep Inn is host hotel at $75.00 per night tell them SCRC rally when you call hotel.
Planed rides - Friday and Saturday
Bike games - Saturday Evening
Auction - Saturday Evening
Vendors - Friday and Saturday
Friday night: Thomas Danley Band
Saturday night: DJ Micah

WV SCRC Home page:

Short Notice – Meet and Greet, ride discussion

Good Evening Cruisers,

I apologize for the short notice on this, but our new member Mark Bamberger and I are going to be meeting for a discussion of rides for the season and to slam some wings. We’ll be at the BW3s on State Rt 48 in Lebanon tomorrow (Saturday 4/21) starting about 1600 (4pm). We welcome any and all of you to join us, both to meet Mark, and also hopefully to set down some plans for at least some of the rides this season.

Hope to see you there. If you can make it, perhaps respond here or shoot me a text some time before 4 tomorrow so we know what size table we need.


Welcome: Mark Bamberger


Please take a moment to welcome new member Mark Bamberger.  Mark hails from the Spring Valley area and tells us:

Hey all. I ride a 2000 Goldwing and live in Spring Valley. I am a geologist, turned lawyer…long story. I ride a ton, logging about 15k miles, including 3-4 major trips, per year. I was in the Blue Knights for a bit, but it was a bad experience so dropped out. I’m juiced to meet y’all and ride, ride, ride.

We’ll be looking forward to seeing him on rides.

~ Steve


2018 Ride Planning Meeting

Good Afternoon Cruisers

I hope you’re staying warm and keeping the bike polished on these frosty days. Riding season will be here before we know it and I for one am certainly looking forward to it.

The chapter has struggled with participation a lot over the last couple of years, but there’s a couple of us that are still trying to keep things alive. One of them is Frank Wright. He contacted me today about setting up a meeting to try to plans rides for this summer. I’ve provided him with the current roster and he’s going to be giving folks a call to try to set up a meeting that’s convenient for as many as possible.

Please be watching for his call and be part of the planning for this year!


Who needs a chapter website?

Fellow Southern Cruisers Chapters:

The Southern Cruisers is a diverse group of people with a hugely diverse skill set and at least one thing in common:  the love of the ride.  Personally, I feel that whenever possible we should put that diverse skill set to good use to help others that share our interests.

As First Officer of Chapter 044, I have the same challenges as the rest of you.  One of them is providing a central location for information about my chapter and it’s rides.  I do that with this website, and fortunately for me, one of my skills is server, email and website management and I have a number of my own servers at my disposal.

This is fortunate, because, as a free club, there isn’t a bunch of money to go around to pay for website and email hosting.  My chapter is the beneficiary of my ability to do these things at no cost to the chapter.

I’ve decided to extend my help to the Southern Cruisers as a whole.  If your chapter is in need of a website, or has a website and is in need of hosting, I will host your chapter’s site and if needed, set up one similar to this one for free.  As a bonus, you can also have email like mine:  I don’t have tons of free time though, so you’re going to have to have an administrator with at least enough skill to update pages occasionally.  Since I generally use a WordPress platform for such sites, learning to do so isn’t much of a challenge.

If your chapter needs a website, drop me an email and lets get something set up for you.

~Steve Weigold, First Officer

Planning 2017 Rides


I’m starting to look at the riding schedule for the 2017 year.  Turnout was low again for the 2016 season, but I’m still not giving up on this chapter.  I’m going to continue doing what I can, even if it means riding alone and I’m hoping that if we continue to plug away we’ll eventually drum up some interest and perhaps some fresh blood.

So, my traditional event, the Blessing of the Bikes is on the schedule for May 21 this year.  Again, I’m looking for ride ideas and more importantly Ride Captains.  Even if you just lead one ride this season, that would help.  I need those more than ride ideas.  I already have more ride ideas than I can lead myself, but if you have one, let me know.  That at least shows where people are interested in going.

Being a Ride Captain is fairly easy, and if you’ve never done it, I’m happy to help you get started.  Generally, you pick a destination or area to ride, start point, choose a route, and then pre-ride the route to make sure it’s suitable for a group ride.  On the day of the ride, you ride your route and we follow.  Not real complicated.

If you’re interested, you tell me when you want to do your ride (or rides) and I’ll put them on the schedule.

If any of you are planning trips that chapter members are welcome on, such as to BRP or the Dragon, please let me know the details and I’ll communicate them as well.

Thanks everyone.  Looking forward to riding with you in 2017
